Why is grinding better than clipping pets nails?

Electric Pet Nail Grinders can arguably be considered the safest and easiest option when trimming your pets nails. 

The grinders allow you to trim your pets nails little by little reducing the risk of of hitting the quick of the nail and causing your pet any pain or discomfort. 

Grinders are especially more useful when it comes to pets with black nails, knowing that it can be even  harder to find the quick therefore the grinder allows for a more precise trim. 

The Electric Pet Nail Grinder also gives a smooth round end which is good for those dogs with thick nails, also a plus side for you pet parents is you'll have less scratched furniture and legs due to the rounder finish of the pets nails. 

If the Electric Pet Nail Grinder is use regularly, they help to reduce the occurrence of painful splits and cracked nails that your pet could be prone to. 

Pets seem to be more comfortable and find the vibrations more tolerable from the Electric Pet Nail Grinder rather than the pressure of the nail clippers meaning that your pets will be more obliged to sit and have their nails groomed. 





The nail clippers due to the simplicity of them it is a much quicker experience when trimming your dogs nails as you are simply just snipping them off.  

The nail clippers are also prone to causing bleeding for your pets, due to pet parents not being vigilant whilst trimming near the quick of the nail. 

Using nail clippers on thick nails can also cause your pet to be in pain due to the amount of pressure needed to trim the nail itself.

Nail clippers don’t need power to function.  Nail grinders on the other hand require a battery and power to operate (though they are cordless and rechargeable, so you can use them at any time).




How often should I grind my pets nails?

 Grinding your pets nails should be done regularly. It does depend on your pets breed, age and how fast their nails grow.  You should give them a trim once every 3-4 weeks. 

Click clack click clack! Once you hear the click clacking on the floor this is your sign that it is trimming time. 







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